When we set out to design the Beers of the World range we had three main objectives.
1. The beers must be the finest ever produced from a beer kit.
2. The brewing method must be straightforward and problem free.
3. The range should encompass all of the world's major beer styles (and some of the minor ones).
With the combination of The Brubox and Beers of the World we believe that we have achieved all three of our objectives. You will too! Just give them a try!
Once you have your BruBox and have tried one of the range, why not try a different brew?? All of the Beers of the World range are available as just kits. So you do not have to purchase the whole Brubox again!
A well-hopped, copper coloured bitter in the traditional London style. The delightful flavour and aroma of First Gold hops lingers on the palate. Excellent on draught and bottled.
A beautiful golden coloured bitter with the perfect balance of malt sweetness and hop bitterness. Its mellow flavour is enhanced with traditional Fuggles hops. Excellent on draught and bottled.
A very dark, bitter-sweet mild ale in the style so loved in the West Midlands. A low hopping rate allows the sweetness of the malt to come to the fore. This beer is best served on draught.
Although the true definition of a traditional porter has been lost in the mists of time, it is accepted that it should be very dark with a complex flavour and hops in evidence. Our version contains a blend of roasted and caramel malts and a generous dose of Goldings hops. A brew to savour. Excellent on draught and bottled.
This traditional stout is packed with flavour. It has the characteristic bitterness from roasted barley balanced by a rounded malt sweetness. Excellent on draught and bottled.
Scottish beers are characterised by a rich, malt profile with just enough hops to balance the sweetness. This traditional ale is dark copper coloured with a complex malt flavour. Excellent on draught and bottled.
The pilsners of southern Germany are generally softer and less bitter than their northern counterparts. This fine example is perfectly balanced with a delicate bitterness provided by Hallertauer Hersbrucker hops. Although it is acceptable to ferment this beer at room temperature, a cleaner taste will result from the genuine bottom fermenting yeast if the temperature can be held between 12°C and 16°C. Best bottled but can be served from a keg if preferred.
This pilsner is lighter in colour and has a much more pronounced hop flavour than the Bavarian example. Saaz hops provide the bitterness. Fermentation and dispensing as Bavarian Pilsner.
Before the invention of pale lagers in Pilsen in 1842, the dark lagers of Munich and Vienna were the most favoured beers in Central Europe. All Munich breweries still produce a 'Dunkel' and now so can you. The inclusion of two genuine Bavarian caramel malts gives this beer a deliciously malty flavour and the genuine bottom fermenting yeast its clean palate. ferment and dispense as Bavarian Pilsner.
The Altbiers of Düsseldorf have probably the highest bitterness level of all European beers, although they are not harsh due to the use of large quantities low alpha 'noble' hops. Our Alt has a blend of German roasted malts and Saaz hops. It is malty but with a huge hop character. Although Altbiers are ales, we have used a bottom fermenting yeast as this gives the beer a clean taste similar to commercial examples. ferment and dispense as Bavarian Pilsner.
Wheat beers are deservedly popular all over the world but until now have been difficult to brew at home. For the malt extract we have used the classic ratio of 55% wheat and 45% barley and the Hallertauer Hersbrucker hops give just a delicate hint of bitterness. Although we have used a bottom fermenting yeast, the characteristic estery flavours are much in evidence when fermenting at warmer temperatures (20°C - 25°C). We are very proud of our wheat beer and are sure that lovers of this unique style will not be disappointed. Best bottled but can be served from a keg if preferred.
This beguiling beer is pale and strong with a fruity character. Although high in alcohol its body remains light due the the inclusion of genuine Belgian candi sugar. Best bottled in small (half pint or 33cl) bottles.
A mid brown ale with a maltier profile than the Tripel. Dark candi sugar provides the colour and characteristic flavour of a Dubbel. Best bottled in small (half pint or 33cl) bottles.
Witbiers are very light in both body and flavour and are very refreshing. Our version has both of these qualities and the characteristic Witbier taste due to the inclusion of coriander seeds and genuine Curacao orange peel. Best bottled but can be served from a keg if preferred.
Czech Pilsners tend to have a 'bigger' flavour than their German counterparts. They have a rich golden colour and are often heavily hopped. Our example is both malty and hoppy due to the inclusion of caramelised malt and a generous quantity of genuine Czech Saaz hops. ferment as dispense as Bavarian Pilsner.
Probably the only indigenous American beer style, this beer is neither an ale nor a lager as it is fermented warm with a bottom fermenting yeast. This example emerges with a malty profile balanced by a generous quantity of American Cascade hops. This beer should always be bottled.