There are three distinct types of beer kit in the Brupaks range. Our Pride of Yorkshire Microbrewery Series will produce first quality beer with the minimum effort. Brewer's Choice kits enable the brewer to get a little bit more involved in the process by using fresh hops and speciality grains with malt extract. Brupaks Beers of the World are are our flagship kits and will produce the finest possible beer from a kit.
These are more than just beer kits they are CONCENTRATED BREWERS WORTS. Production follows traditional brewhouse procedures using only the finest quality 2-row malting barley and the choicest English hops. The grist (crushed malt) is 'mashed' with water at 65°C for about one hour to convert the starches into sugar. The resultant liquid (wort) is strained off into a boiling vessel where hops are added for bitterness. After boiling, extra hops are added for flavour and aroma. In a commercial brewery the wort would be cooled rapidly to around 20°C, then transferred to a fermentation vessel where it is transformed into beer. As our worts are to be fermented at home, they first need to be reduced to a convenient size for the home beermaker to carry. To achieve this, the excess liquid is evaporated under vacuum, at low temperatures to preserve the delicate flavours, then pasteurised and canned. To continue the brewing process at home, all that is necessary is to dilute the concentrated wort back to its original density and ferment! Extra hops are included to restore aroma lost during production.
Included in the box are some advanced instructions for those who like to experiment. Subtle flavour differences can be achieved by adopting a few advanced techniques e.g. bitterness adjustment, sweetness, colour etc.
Brupaks Brewer's Choice are unique in that they are the first dried ingredient kits that don't require boiling. The kits are comprised of first-grade, spray-dried malt extract, freshly crushed grains, pre isomerised hop pellets and genuine brewer's yeast. As the hops have already been isomerised (alpha acids, the bittering substances in hops, are insoluble until they have been boiled in wort for at least 20 minutes) all that is neccessary to release their biterness and flavour is to steep them in hot water for a few minutes.
The Brewer's Choice range covers most of the world's major beer styles and are both fun and rewarding to brew. They are highly recommended for those wanting to get a bit more involved in the brewing process.
Never before has home beer-making been so easy, tasty and problem free. With The BruBox there is no mess, no smell and, due to the entirely closed production method, virtually no chance of infection.
There are three variants in the BruBox range; London Bitter, Irish Extra Stout and Bavarian Pilsner, each producing 10 litres of fantastic quality beer.
Each kit consists of the finest quality brewing grade malt extract, genuine top or bottom fermenting yeast and our revolutionary new BruBagsystem which, for the first time, enables fresh hops and grains to be used to enhance the flavour without any messy straining.
As the BruBox is not a single use product you will soon be ready for another brew. This time, instead of just the four original kits, you will have the choice of SEVENTEEN QUALITY BEERS covering all of the world's major styles (and some of the minor ones). With Brupaks' innovative Beers of the World you will make the best quality beers ever from a beer kit. Follow the link for details of the full range.