Brupaks grains are carefully selected for quality and are packed in oxygen barrier bags to maintain freshness. Grains are available both crushed and whole in sizes of 500g, 3kg and 5kg. Bulk size is 25kg sacks. Grains should always be stored in a warm, dry place. Part-filled bags should be re-sealed with tape to exclude air.
Should you require any grain not listed below, please don't hesitate to check our online stores, or give us a call, we'll be happy to help.
Produced from quality spring barley. Gentle, malty caramel flavours. Enhances mouthfeel. Adds deep red colour. Promotes flavour stability. Flavour: notes of toffee, caramel and bread
Maximum percentage 10 percent
Produced from quality spring barley from certified organic cultivation.
Notes of roasted nuts, dark caramel and dried fruits. Enhances mouthfeel. Adds deep red color. Promotes flavor stability.
From Weyermann in Bamberg. Use to add body and increase malt aroma in many beer styles. Provides greater depth of colour and a reddish hue.
Maximum percentage 10%
Golden-brown, slightly aromatic kernels. Provides finished beer with a full, rounded aroma, depth of colour, and firm, creamy head.
Maximum Percentage 30 %.
Malty, fruity and toffee flavour notes are carried through to the beer. Low malt colour produces a golden orange lager with increased body and fullness. Softer, rounder mouth-feel with improved drinkability
Maximum percentage 10%
This malt is mainly used to accentuate the fullness of flavour in special German festival beers, although it is unsurpassed as a flavour booster in low alcohol lagers. Produced in the same way as Carapils but kilned off slightly hotter. Greatly increases head formation and retention.
Maximum percentage 40% (Higher in low alcohol beers)
CaraMalt is a very low colour Crystal Malt which has an almost completely glassy endosperm. It contains a greater degree of sweetness and stronger caramel flavour than Crystal Malt and the harsher nutty roasted flavours are not present.
It greatly improves body, foam retention and beer stability whilst adding little colour. It has therefore, become very popular in the production of lagers where it is used to assist in enhancing flavour and character.
Maximum percentage 20%
A very special and rare malt only produced in Bamberg in northern Bavaria. It is made in a similar way to Munich Malt except that caramelisation is allowed to progress further and kilning is conducted at higher temperatures. Although only used in small quantities, it has a marked effect on the fullness of flavour and aroma in golden to brown lager beers and ales.
Maximum percentage 10%
Produced from Bavarian spring barley, this malt is produced by loading the modified grains into a sealed kiln while the moisture content is still around 50%. The grains are then heated to between 65°C and 80°C, which enables them to mash themselves and caramelise the resulting sugars. The final kilning is at around 110°C for just long enough to dry the grain without undue darkening. Carapils promotes head formation and retention and gives the beer a fuller rounder flavour.
Maximum Percentage 10%
The classic British body builder and a British invention. Unsurpassed in Bitter beers for adding subtle sweetness to balance the customary high hop rate.
Crystal malts cover a wide range of colours but in the UK the usual level is around 150 EBC.
Crystal Malt is the most widely used coloured malt in the UK and is a standard constituent of a typical ale grist.
Maximum percentage 20%
A dark crystal malt which has undergone a substantially extended kilning. Use in beers that require a deep copper colour without too much crystal character, or in porter and old ale.
It is primarily known for its colour control, offering adjustments to the depth of the golden red hue during mashing. However, it, is also of value for its flavour contribution.
This has been variously described as malty, caramel, toffee-like, biscuity and roasted.
Maximum percentage 20%
A very dark crystal malt which has undergone a substantially extended kilning. Use in beers that require a deep brown colour without too much crystal character, or in porter and old ale.
Maximum percentage 10%.
This light version of the British classic is ideal for increasing body and fullness while preserving a pale colour. Unsurpassed in Bitter beers and Pale Ales for adding subtle sweetness to balance the customary high hop rate.
Maximum percentage 20%
Special B is produced in the same way as other Belgian caramel malts except that it undergoes a second roasting. Its profile is that of a cross between dark caramel malt and medium roasted malt. The resultant distinctive flavour and aroma enhances many Belgian classics, but could also add interesting flavours to British ales.
Maximum percentage 10%
Usually produced from German, Belgian and Czech barley, Pilsner malt can be used on its own, provided the pH of the mash is correct, or in combination with other grains to produce the classic Continental lager beers. The malt is kilned slowly from 50°C to 60°C to completely dry it before it is toasted at 80°C.
The inclusion of a small amount (3% - 5%) of acid malt is highly recommended when brewing Pilsners.
Maximum Percentage 100%
Traditional, authentic floor malt produced in Czech Republic according to highest Weyermann® quality standards. Use up to 100 %.
Maximum Percentage 100%
Lager malt is the British version of Pilsner malt. It is kilned at slightly higher temperatures, from 55°C to 82°C, and can be substituted for Pilsner malt if unavailable. The inclusion of acid malt in the grist is desirable.
Maximum Percentage 100%
Typically made form 2-row spring barley which is malted to give the required level of modification whilst maintaining a high level of homogeneity. Careful control of kilning ensures the required low colour is achieved. Europils malt has a higher protein content which ensures ample enzymatic capability which, combined with the high levels of free amino nitrogen present, assure excellent brewing performance even when unmalted adjuncts form part of the grist composition.
Maximum Percentage 100%
As the name suggests, this malt is used to brew the famous rich, sweet beers associated with Munich. It can, however, be used in small quantities to enhance the maltiness in other beer styles. Many Belgian ales contain this malt and even some of the more adventurous British breweries are experimenting with it. Munich Malt is kilned while the moisture content is still quite high (about 20%).
Maximum percentage 100% (although rarely used at over 80%)
Usually produced from German, Belgian and Czech barley, Pilsner malt can be used on its own, provided the pH of the mash is correct, or in combination with other grains to produce the classic Continental lager beers. The malt is kilned slowly from 50°C to 60°C to completely dry it before it is toasted at 80°C.
The inclusion of a small amount (3% - 5%) of acid malt is highly recommended when brewing Pilsners.
Maximum Percentage 100%
Vienna malt's characteristics are a golden colour and full malt flavour. Caramelisation is not required for this malt so it is dried fairly cool before being roasted at around lO5°C.
Vienna Malt will give golden hues to other beers and will increase body and mouthfeel. It retains sufficient enzyme activity to be used as base malt in all-malt grists. The subtle malty flavours associated with Vienna Malt provide toffee and caramel notes.
Maximum percentage 100%
A two-row, autumn sown variety of barley traditionally used in the production of malt for the brewing industry.
Belgian pale malt gives a more significant malt flavour and a darker colour than the British equivalent due to its different production method. Kilning takes place at a lower temperature (85°C to 90°C) but is continued for longer in order to obtain the correct colour. Brewers of Belgian ales should always use this malt for authenticity.
Maximum percentage 100%
Top quality Norfolk-grown 2-row winter malting barley is widely recognised as the best raw material for traditional ale malt.
The characteristic higher colour and balanced sweet, malty flavour results in this malt being one of the most popular and distinctive malt styles. Crisp Malting Group Best Ale Malt is suited to infusion mashing and top fermentation which typifies traditional ale brewing, but is also very well suited for ale brewing using more modern techniques.
Maximum Percentage 100%
Crisp Malting Group have developed an extra pale malt. This was originally developed for lower colour beer production in traditional breweries where a higher level of modification is demanded for both efficient extract delivery and good brewhouse performance when using isothermal mashing. This malt is typified by moderate nitrogen/protein content, a moderate to high level of modification with flavours and colour suited to the brewing of lagers/pale beers like golden ales.
Maximum Percentage 100%
Beers brewed with Clear Choice Malt benefit from extended shelf life, improved haze stability and enhanced flavour stability. Additionally, the absence of polyphenols increases malty, sweet notes and reduces astringent and bitter notes in the finished beer.
Maximum Percentage 100%
Produced from proanthocyanidin-free malting barley. This type of variety do not contain proanthocyanidins thus one of the precursors of biological haze is absent in the resultant malt, wort and beer. Beers brewed with Clear Choice Malt benefit from extended shelf life, improved haze stability and enhanced flavour stability. Additionally, the absence of polyphenols increases malty, sweet notes and reduces astringent and bitter notes in the finished beer.
Maximum Percentage 100%
Crisp Malting Group have developed a low colour (extra pale) Maris Otter® malt. This was originally developed for low colour beer production in breweries where a higher level of modification is demanded for efficient extract delivery and good brewhouse performance when using isothermal mashing. This malt is typified by moderate nitrogen/protein content, a moderate to high level of modification with flavours and colour suited to the brewing of lagers and other pale beers.
Maximum Percentage 100%
A two-row, autumn sown variety of barley traditionally used in the production of malt for the brewing industry.
Kilning is stopped early to produce this very light coloured pale malt, suitable for light-bodied summer ales.
Maximum Percentage 100%
Crisp Malting Maris Otter® is grown under contact by selected Norfolk farmers and is recognised worldwide as the benchmark barley for the best ale malt. In malting, as with brewing, the importance and the quality of raw materials cannot be underestimated.
The reliability of Maris Otter® malt quality has allowed brewers to develop, stabilise and maintain many of
the world famous English cask conditioned ale brands we know today.
Maximum Percentage 100%
A two-row, autumn sown variety of barley traditionally used in the production of malt for the brewing industry.
A two-row, autumn sown variety of barley traditionally used in the production of malt for the brewing industry.
Mild malt is kilned slightly hotter than pale malt to give a fuller flavour. We strongly recommend the use of this malt to obtain the luscious sweetness evident in the best Mild Ales.
Maximum percentage 100%
A two-row, autumn sown variety of barley traditionally used in the production of malt for the brewing industry.
A two-row, autumn sown variety of barley traditionally used in the production of malt for the brewing industry.
Wheat is a difficult grain to malt as it has no husk to protect the delicate acrospire. It has, however, many beneficial properties for the brewer to take advantage of. It is generally used only in top fermented beers, especially the Bavarian Weissbiers, but can be used to enhance roundness of flavour and head formation in most beer styles.
In brewing, wheat malt can be used as the base malt at around 55% inclusion for wheat beers.
Maximum percentage 70 %
In brewing, when mixed with barley malt, rye malt can improve head retention, improve mouthfeel and introduce flavour changes of a toffee/caramel note at lower inclusion rates and a spicy after-palate at higher inclusion rates. Most notably, rye malt will also impart a reddish hue to beers.
Use alongside crystal and roasted rye malts to brew the classic German top-fermented rye beer " Roggenbier" or in smaller quantities to add interesting flavours to other ales.
Maximum percentage 50%
Roasted to a very high colour, this is only used for top fermented ales such as Alt and dark Wheat Beers. Even in very small quantities it intensifies the beer's aroma as well as its colour:
Maximum percentage 2%
From Bavaria, this is in effect crystal malt made from wheat. It can be used in all German style top fermenting beers to increase the fullness of body and intensify the wheat malt aroma.
Maximum percentage 15%
Produced from quality wheat. Carefully dried over hot, smoky ambers of well-aged oak wood to achieve characteristic, while preserving relatively pale color. Mild, delicate, and well-rounded aroma of oak smoke; malty-sweet; notes of vanilla and honey
Amber Malt is a very lightly roasted Chocolate Malt and this reduces the harsh flavours associated with higher coloured roasted products. This leaves it with a pleasant dry, baked flavour.
Maximum percentage 20%
This is produced by roasting British pale malt as far as possible without burning. It is the preferred darkener in sweeter Stouts and Porters and can be used for minor colour adjustments in other beers.
Maximum percentage 10%
Although not produced in the traditional manner (wood smoked), this malt can be used in old recipes calling for brown malt, especially if used with a proportion of rauchmalz. Brown malt can also add complexity to styles such as porter and old ale.
Maximum percentage 20%
(De-husked Chocolate Malt)
Produced in Bamberg, Germany by Weyermann, this exclusive malt is produced from de-husked barley which greatly reduces the harshness usually associated with highly roasted grains, while retaining the required colour, aroma and body. Use for dark lagers and as an alternative to chocolate malt in all beers.
Maximum percentage 5%
(De-husked Black Malt)
Produced in Bamberg, Germany by Weyermann, this exclusive malt is produced from de-husked barley which greatly reduces the harshness usually associated with highly roasted grains, while retaining the required colour, aroma and body. Use for dark lagers and as an alternative to black malt or roasted barley in all beers.
Maximum percentage 5%
Chocolate Malt shares many of the characteristics of Black Malt but because it is roasted for a slightly shorter period of time and end temperatures are not so high, colour is 200° EBC lighter.
This also means that some of the harsher flavours of Black Malt are not so pronounced. It retains a smoky flavour but is far less bitter. Its main uses are in darker beers and it is used in a well known stout, together with roasted barley to produce a more mellow less bitter taste.
Maximum percentage 5%
A roasted malt which when used in small quantities imparts a rich chocolate flavour to such beers as Brown Ales and Porters. Can also be used to darken Bitters if used carefully.
Maximum percentage 5%
This unique grain is the palest of all roasted malts.It is roasted at a lower temperature to preserve the diastatic enzymes. Although produced in Belgium, it is Indispensable when recreating historic English beers.
Maximum percentage 80%
This is simply raw barley, which has been roasted as far as possible to make the darkest of all grains. Its slightly bitter burnt taste finds favour in Irish type Stouts but it can be used sparingly to darken other beers.
Maximum percentage 10%
High degree of modification of both proteins and starches. Excellent friability. Low ß-glucan values. Highly acidic. Highly malt aromatic. Adds deep-amber to red-brown colour, maltiness, body, and mouth feel to finished beer. Promotes flavour stability.
Maximum percentage 50%
Produced from quality spring barley. Lowers mash, wort, and beer pH. Contains 1−2% lactic acid. Enhances enzymatic activity in mash and improves extract efficiency. Lightens color in pale brews. Enhances stability and extends shelf life of finished beer. Promotes well-rounded, complex beer flavour. Recommended Quantities: Each 1% lowers mash pH by 0.1. Flavor: fruity and sour.
Maximum Percentage 10%
Aromatic malt provides a very strong malt flavour and aroma. Although not a roasted malt, it is kilned at close to the maximum possible temperature of 115°C until the desired colour is obtained. Perfect for any beer in which a high malt profile is required and can be used in fairly high quantities as some diastatic power is retained.
Maximum percentage 20%
Probably the rarest malt of all, Rauchmalz is only produced in Bamberg Germany from quality two-row spring barley. The kilning of this malt takes place over open fires made of beech wood logs. The phenols released from the wood permeate the malt and give it its smoky taste and aroma.
It is particularly effective in Brown Ales and Porters which were traditionally brewed with traditional brown malt, also kilned over open fires but no longer available.
Maximum percentage 100%
As the name suggests, this lightly roasted malt gives a sweet, biscuity aroma to beer. Use only in very small amounts to add a distinctive character.
Maximum percentage 15%
Dextrin Malt is a lower modified malt processed to provide positive attributes to the finished beer in terms of
greater body and mouthfeel with improved foam characteristics.
Inclusion of Dextrin Malt can be particularly beneficial when brewing with well modified Extra Pale Malt to
produce golden ales or pilsner-style beers. The low colour of Dextrin Malt permits usage rates of up to
10% without impacting on final product colour.
Maximum percentage 10%
Malt flavour is defined by melanoidins, compounds formed by non enzymatic browning of malt sugars and low molecular weight proteins during the kilning process.
This aromatic malt from Bamberg, Germany produces flavours similar to those from decoction mashes. Melanoidin malt promotes fullness of flavour and rounds off beer colour. It can be used to good effect in all medium to dark beers, especially Munich style lagers. Experimentation is strongly advised.
Maximum percentage 15%
In brewing, when mixed with barley malt, naked oat malt can improve mouthfeel and introduce notes of a toasted, biscuity aroma and palate.
Oats are extremely difficult to malt and to crush efficiently but their contribution to the flavour of certain speciality ales is significant. Oats are rich in oils and tend to promote a velvety texture in beer. Although many old recipes called for large quantities of malted oats, it is recommended they should be used with caution.
Maximum percentage 5%
Flaked Barley consists of barley grains that have been cooked at high temperature, resulting in gelatinisation of the starchy endosperm. Addition of Flaked Barley will promote head retention and add body to the finished beer. Flaked Torrefied Barley does not require milling before being added to the mash.
Flaked barley can, however cause haze problems in paler styles, where the percentage should not exceed 5%.
Maximum Percentage 20%
Torrefied Wheat consists of grains of soft wheat varieties that have been cooked at high temperature resulting in gelatinisation of the starchy endosperm and then flaked. Addition of Torrefied Wheat will promote head retention and add body to the finished beer.
Maximum percentage 10% (or up to 40% for Witbier)
Available whole, crushed and flaked, this grain is used extensively to promote head retention in Bitters. Its use is definitely recommended in all recipes where a good firm head is required. Ideal for brewing Belgian Witbier.
Maximum percentage 10% (or up to 40% for Witbier)
Flaked Oats consist of husked oat grains that have been cooked at high temperature, resulting in
gelatinisation of the starchy endosperm, and then flaked. Flaked Oats will give a smooth, creamy
mouthfeel to finished beers. The presence of oat husk can assist with wort separation, especially if the
grist contains naked grains such as malted rye.
Flaked Oats does not require milling before being added to the mash.
Maximum Percentage 10%
Flaked Rice consists of rice grains that have been cooked at high temperature, resulting in gelatinisation of the starchy endosperm, and then flaked. Flaked Rice lightens wort colour, reduces protein levels and imparts a characteristic dryness to finished beers.
It is virtually flavourless but provides some body without darkening the colour. A highly recommended adjunct as its low nitrogen content assists in clearing.
Maximum percentage 10%
Flaked Maize consists of maize grits that have been cooked at high temperature, resulting in gelatinisation of the starchy endosperm, and then flaked. Flaked Maize lightens wort and can add a unique corn flake-like sweetness beers. Flaked Torrefied Maize does not require milling before being added to the mash. Its use is beneficial for clearing purposes due to its low nitrogen content.
Maximum percentage 10%